Interested families can join PHSA at any time during the calendar year. It's as simple as filling out the membership form (found here or below) and paying the yearly dues. The membership form and dues can either be given to any of the board members or mailed to 1016 NW Horn Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801.
Volunteer requirement:
PHSA is built around volunteers and strives not to place too much of a burden for the running of our organization on any one family or individual. To that end, everyone needs to pitch in to make things happen. Each family that joins needs to volunteer to organize one event a year and, if participating in sports, facilitate one of the year’s sporting activities by coaching. If this seems overwhelming, don't worry; we have a Sports Coordinator and an Activities Coordinator to help guide you.
Benefits to joining PHSA:
•Sports program
•State testing info
•Watershed Field Days
•Educational notifications from other local and state groups
President – Kerry Fitzgerald
Vice President – Kelly Steele
Secretary – Anne Lawn
Treasurer – Kristy Jones
Communications Coordinator – Natalie Longwell
Activities Coordinator – Sarah Silbernagel
Sports Coordinator – Heather Boodt
Social Media Coordinator – Angela Bonzani